"is it ugly on purpose" yes. yes it is.

DID System

if this is hard to read, here’s a transcript.



"Me-Oh" / "My-Low" for ur pronunciation needs LMAO

We use collective names and collective pronouns for when you don’t know who’s fronting or are addressing us plurally, but it’d be nice to use our personal names/pronouns when you’re aware.

Our accounts name comes from having autism, liking danganronpa, and having a very high amount of hinata hajime fictives.

We made this account because the stress of singlet masking on our main account gets very. very draining and sucks allll the motivation out of you lol but we also wanted to keep that account the way it is! so the objective of this one is to be a little sillier and post wips, concepts, or memes/art way too specific to our system to post on the main!

WILL WE USE THIS ACCOUNT MUCH? idfk it depends which account people would rather post on at any given time

Our special interests are pokemon and danganronpa! we have a lot of danganronpa fictives so i’d say to expect a lot of that.

A lot of our fictives appearances and memories vary wildly from source, so don’t expect like… "canon fanart" this is our personal outlet.

We started communicating on the 21st of august 2020 !


please treat us as people, and not as pets. Singlets love to either baby us or flat out harass us for existing, and since being accepted as a system is for whatever reason so damn hard for you people, we block very freely
if you’re a singlet you ARE welcome here but understand we might be wary of you lol no hard feelings

We don’t care at all for "doubles" in other systems, you can interact as much as you like as long as it doesn’t bother you! We can co-exist, all we share is a name or two, you’re you and we’re us and it shouldn’t be a big deal.

If you contact us, keep in mind we have high anxiety regarding (especially long) conversation or serious topics. a protector and/or social headmate will reply to you in due time. Remember that we don’t control who is fronting or our switches, so if we leave you unanswered or on read for an unspecified amount of time, don’t get offended.


# Engage in syscourse

# Proship / Comship / "Neutral" ship freaks.

# Hardcore anti of non-traumagenic systems. we won’t share our full opinion on them, however we believe that harassment of any kind to any one makes you the worse person. i don’t care how warranted you think it is, don’t bring it near us.

# you’re a singlet and make system headcanons? you’re not spreading awareness, you’re spreading misinfo. no matter how much research you do, you’ll always cause harm because you can NEVER know us the way that we do. we are not your entertainment.

# the above includes treating hajime/izuru as a real, sensical system (it’s just a shit sci-fi trope nothing more), or being a singlet and expanding on tokos system to "fix it" when it ain’t your business

# you believe headmates of colour don’t exist/you believe that systems can’t have headmates of different races